
Swallowing disorders 

"Dysphagia" is a medical term for difficulty swallowing and refers to the condition where initiating and completing the swallowing process takes longer and requires more effort. This condition is most common in older individuals but can occur at any age.

Phases of the swallowing process:

During the swallowing process, four different phases can be distinguished:

Swallowing difficulties can be acute or chronic.

Acute swallowing difficulties are often due to inflammation and can be painful (odynophagia).

Chronic swallowing disorders are more commonly seen in older individuals.

Common symptoms of swallowing difficulties include:

When to see a doctor:

Fortunately, most swallowing difficulties improve within a few days. However, if you are unable to eat or drink or if your symptoms persist, it is important to seek medical attention.

Any hoarseness, sensation of a lump in the throat, or swallowing disorder lasting longer than 3 weeks should be evaluated by a specialist in phoniatrics or an otolaryngologist (ENT doctor).

Experience Report: Swallowing Disorder

(A very sympathetic and competent doctor)

The examination and treatment were very clear, understandable, and helpful. I feel very well taken care of by Dr. Nasr and I highly recommend him.

Schedule an appointment

To make an appointment, you can reach us by phone at 01752920000, contact us via WhatsApp, or send us an email at contact@thevoiceclinic.de.

Alternatively, you can also visit us directly (please make an appointment in advance):

TheVoice Clinic

Medical Center for Voice Disorders, Swallowing Difficulties, Respiratory Diseases, and Laser Therapy

Dr. med. A. Nasr

Bahnhofstraße 22

71034 Böblingen

We look forward to helping you!